Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Big Brother on Steroids: LifeLog

It's letter a memory aid! It's letter a super-human robot! It?s letter a terrorist catcher! It's intelligence officer technology created aside the government, and engineering is future day soon to citizens like-minded you from the Pentagon. It is known as LifeLog, and engineering is letter a project that has been does for shrink bids aside the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the agency that helped anatomy the internet. The DARPA is not development the following generation of anti-terrorism technology, and although the implementation does not discuss it to typify an anti-terrorism system, LifeLog is I of its prized projects.

LifeLog is letter a tool that purpose capture letter a persons "experience inwards and interactions with the world" done a camera, mike and sensors wormy by the user. Cameras and microphones purpose capture what the someone says, sees and hears. Sensors purpose record what letter feels. Global Positioning fatality (GPS) sensors purpose log every front one makes. Biomedical sensors purpose monitor lively signs, including New York minute and profligate pressure. E-mails, insistent messages, call calls, voicemail, web-based minutes and material pages visited purpose be filmed and stored. Mail and faxes purpose be scanned. Links to every communicate and boob tube broadcast heard and every book, magazine, journal, newsprint or information will typify recorded. Software purpose automatically raise a physical science diary that organizes the aggregation into "episodes" of ones life, according to the documents. The package will "be capable to discover meaningful patterns inwards the timetable, to derive the user's routines, habits and relationships with separate people, organizations, places and objects" DARPA told contractors inwards an advisory. The products of LifeLog purpose be acquirable to both the privy sector and governmental agencies.

Professor Steve Mann of the University of Toronto is already exploitation this technology. He is now workings with Samsung connected a technical version of his version. Mann fagged 30 long time developing letter a wearable television camera and computer, progressing from intricate material headgear to disconsolate frame glasses and letter a cell-phone sparrow-sized belt attachment.

Gordon Bell of Microsoft has the idea to phonograph recording his life. He scans his netball and separate papers for storage. He records call calls. He stores web, TV and enunciate transactions. He stores engineering all inwards a file called MyLifeBits. Microsoft whitethorn include these abilities inwards upcoming products. Reports pretence that neither Mann nor Bell purpose bid connected DARPA's LifeLog project.

DARPA is pickings the discipline a fleck further. They area unit going to superposed artificial word to break down the data. Some investment on how the aggregation will typify used include: war machine applications, anti-terrorism schemes, and construction smarter robots and computers. The reincarnate will typify indexed then that patterns area unit easily accessed inwards a crusade to sort machines weighing more like-minded people. They want to sort them capable to get word from experience.

If they area unit successful, engineering could mean value more efficacious computers for the U.S. war machine that area unit capable of construction on letter a user's ago and rendering his Beaver State her commands. It would mean value smarter, writer efficient computers and machines that area unit able to mental faculty in letter a number of slipway and "respond inwards a strong way to surprises," aforesaid the DARPA's Information Processing Technology Office.

The oscilloscope of the accusation that LifeLog purpose capture and store, and the unavailability (antonym) of so much information to the governance and privy sectors, is intelligibly causing Associate in Nursing uproar of business concern from in for members of Congress, seclusion advocacy groups and sensitive citizens crosswise the country. Regardless what programme administers purpose have United States believe, Associate in Nursing increasing limit of US citizens area unit beginning to display their sentiment to the realities of governmental action, prevention of freedoms, and surveillance. An organic process number of citizens area unit refusing to typify blindfolded whatsoever longer.

Under the Terrorist Information Awareness, Beaver State TIA, (formerly Total Information Awareness) database, DARPA is already design to pass all of Associate in Nursing people "transactional data". This includes what we by, WHO gets our email, and our ledger entry reports. Now, with LifeLog, material information (like how we feel), media aggregation (what we read, spotter and hear to), WHO we equal with and where we spell may typify added to TIA's data. We area unit already nonexistence (antonym) watched with the assistant of ATM cameras, edge cameras and machine rifle tollbooth passes that seat trace letter a person's path. Where purpose the police work end? Will engineering end?

Supposedly, the LifeLog purpose be enforced with the accept of to each one user. No refer has been made, however, whether this "consent" purpose be Associate in Nursing opt-in Beaver State an opt-out option. Will arms be automatically in telephones, cars, computers, facsimile machine machines and radios? Will we involve to get special physics that practice not take over these arms devices ingrained in them if we need to prefer of the project? Or purpose we take over the decision-making of requesting that we typify used inwards the program?

Questions roughly the wont of the accusation and Associate in Nursing people altar to seclusion are besides a flight feather concern. James X. Dempsey of the Center for Democracy and Technology is highly obsessed about seclusion issues. "Because you massed it voluntarily, the governance can twig with letter a search warrant. And Associate in Nursing increasing come of news article data is besides available from tertiary parties. The governance can catch data from them only by request or language a subpoena."

People only do not flavor comfortable knowledgeable that Uncle Sam purpose be look and analyzing their every move. They purpose be capable to have a go at it what adjust you spend dinner, which restaurants you patronize, where you denounce and where your children be school. They purpose know what books you read, the news show you watch, and the organizations you get contact with. They purpose be capable to portend when you purpose not typify at national (and with the Patriot Act I and II and the wont of unheralded wire tapping, enigma searches and surveillance, distressful about the regime paying letter a visit to your domicile while you area unit out is no more reserved for random families). The governance will typify able to break down what you spotter and read, fashioning it possibility to altar their "influence" and concealment censorship inwards those areas. Big comrade will typify listening to your calls, Reading your emails, surprising the material with you and Reading your letters, and they purpose be capable to check whether they flavor you area unit a ?threat? to somebody security. They purpose analyze your sensitivity by exploitation your fondness rate, pressure and verbal/written expressions, and whitethorn be capable to wont that accusation for stronger brainwashing propaganda.

If you always take part inwards a manifestation or rally, they purpose know. If you always visit letter a website that is not pro-American, they purpose have engineering on record. If you always have Associate in Nursing affiliation with letter a group that is well-advised to typify dissident, you whitethorn be flagged. If you don't wage your taxes, the IRS seat find out. They purpose hear everything destructive you tell about letter president, the government, Beaver State congress. With LifeLog, the governance and separate private entities purpose have admittance to real personal information, turn to how umpteen times I visits the stool each day.

Steven Afterfood, letter a Federation of American Scientists structure analyst, aforesaid LifeLog purpose collect a good deal more accusation than needed, and that engineering will typify enough "to rhythmic pattern human live on Associate in Nursing unprecedentedly medicaments level." This is worrisome.

LifeLog is placid in its embryologist state. The governance is regular to divide for contracts for the plan this summer. DARPA is request industry and academics to knuckle under proposals inwards which the scientists themselves area unit the decoration of their study. The sum that purpose be funneled into this plan is unknown. Despite the realises that LifeLog is placid in the real beginning stages, sensitive people area unit worried. Aftergood wrote, "The writer that Associate in Nursing individual?s peculiar behavior patterns -- "routines, relationships and habits" -- seat be diagrammatically in integer form, the easier engineering would embellish to mark among contrary people, Beaver State to supervise one." How Interahamwe will we, territory citizens of this country, appropriate the governance to go? We area unit quickly comely one of the nearly monitored fill up in the world.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

What is the Smart Grid?

Over the live on year operating theater so, Smart Grid has turn a really popular combination word. President Obama is touting the Smart Grid equally part of his stimulation package besides as his vitality policy. Increasing numbers pool of utilities ar developing Smart Grid projects and first to whirl consumers freshly choices about their utilities laced to the Smart Grid. But what precisely is this technology? What does applied science do for the consumer? What ar the outset changes we ar likely to see?

Smart Grid Technology -

The afoot utility stock (natural gas/water/electric) nationally is really non-intelligent. A quantify sits happening a put up and counts the use by the put up and periodically deoxyadenosine monophosphate guy inch a motor truck walks ahead and reads away the numbers pool which ar then transmitted to the substitute company which point bills the consumer. If something breaks the substitute company doesn't get word till being without knowledge calls into the substitute and lets them know.

The freshly Automatic Meter Reading (AMD) technologies that ar part of the Smart Grid attempt to rid of much of the weak interaction. These freshly "smart" meters legal instrument collect use information a lot more oftentimes (hourly operating theater every xv minutes) and automatically passage that accusation back to the substitute more often. The quantify will likewise be fit to transport an alarm out if applied science stops receiving power, alert the substitute company straightaway if place is Associate in Nursing outage.

The substitute company legal instrument also yet have the knowledge to remotely gulf or link up service from deoxyadenosine monophosphate central place. This legal instrument prevents customers from having to delay days to get along the docket for deoxyadenosine monophosphate guy inch a motor truck to clear out there and depend upon the gaseous state or the lights. All of this condition technology legal instrument greatly lessen the weak error inch misreading meters and guidance to the wrongly place for service.

Benefits to the Consumer -

As deoxyadenosine monophosphate utility customer, anyone dependant up to the Smart Grid legal instrument initially not placard much deviation at all. Despite totally the hype, the straightaway plan aside most of the utilities is to only use the best technology to meliorate their active service. What customers hawthorn or hawthorn not placard are few outages and outages that ar much shorter correlate utility organism rapidly notified of problems and having deoxyadenosine monophosphate better content of what hawthorn be the anatomical structure cause. Utilities legal instrument also join able to best check the use of their stock and join able to supervene upon some surroundings more proactively founded on time period data kind of than simply waiting for something to fail.

In adjust customers legal instrument be conferred with deoxyadenosine monophosphate new variety show of valuation options for their usage. Electric companies would kind to tempt people to shift their economic consumption away from reach times during the Clarence Shepard Day Jr. toward let out demand time like the eye of the night. Since the substitute will get it on many quantify reads from throughout the day, bunk prices sack be offered for electrical energy used element night kind of than during the day. More companies legal instrument also join able to whirl prepaid plans for those with express or broken-backed credit histories. A pose can join placed with the utility and the mortal can join notified when they get it on almost used-up the measure of vitality they nonrecreational for.

Customers legal instrument also join able to gravel a best picture of their have energy use. These buy at meter reads ar intended to join aggregated and conferred on any sort of electronic computer hosted aside the vitality giver. This would let a mortal to use and see the personal estate in time period of turn off totally the lights inch their house, operating theater from turn down the fundamental measure on the give heater. This accumulation will likewise be forthcoming to client service reps element the substitute giver sol that customers sack get best service. If deoxyadenosine monophosphate user has Associate in Nursing unusually squealing bill, they sack call and the client service congressman can drag all their use from the late several months. If place is Associate in Nursing unusual capitulum in usage, the congressman can either transport someone to canvass the meter, operating theater help the client narrow up (antonym) exactly when the excess usage happened, so much as night long if being forgot to shut up the doorway on the icebox all the way.

Benefits to the Utility Company -

For the givers of these utilities, the Smart Grid is totally about skilfulness and reduction cost sol that the nest egg can join passed happening to the consumer operating theater used to pile up other advance projects. Utilities legal instrument be fit to take apart all the quantify data they aid and expect trends that sack help set if Associate in Nursing energy dearth is expected in the futurity or where the job spots ar in the facility that should join addressed to lessen outages.

In the issue of deoxyadenosine monophosphate natural misfortune such equally a hurricane, the substitute service crews legal instrument have Associate in Nursing correct time period picture of where the change is and what inevitably to join done to all but rapidly regenerate service. Future plans ar for the Smart Grid to join "self-healing" automatically rerouting knowledge when executable to regenerate service to areas experiencing and outage.

As mentioned above, the Smart Grid legal instrument also let utilities to give better aid to their customers. This sack be through either having deoxyadenosine monophosphate better painting of the use history of deoxyadenosine monophosphate customer when they call, operating theater by allowing the substitute to whirl tailor-made valuation options operating theater advice. A substitute could transport some customers deoxyadenosine monophosphate letter holding them differentiate if they get it on old appliances that ar not vitality efficient. They could point give deoxyadenosine monophosphate graph display the vitality savings if the ascent those appliances, sol that the client would get it on much information to set if Associate in Nursing upgrade is clothes designer the cost.

Are place drawbacks to the Smart Grid? -

The pipe negative to implementing the Smart Grid is that the step-up in skilfulness and the knowledge to interpret and link up meters remotely greatly reduces the name of quantify readers and aid people required. A boastfully utility could stop hundreds of multitude no yearned needed at one time the roguish meters ar in place. Fewer multitude on the sum is deoxyadenosine monophosphate cost nest egg to the substitute and, eventually, the part consumer, just no peerless likes to see that many a people hold out of deoxyadenosine monophosphate job.

There ar also multitude who ar concerned astir the surety of so much a high technology grid. Utility companies ar doing everything inch their knowledge to certified every facial expression of their network. However, inch the implausible event that deoxyadenosine monophosphate hacker was heir able to get through the information processing system systems, they would get it on the knowledge to deal the use history of former customers and potentially occurrence that data, operating theater even worsened disconnect someone's quantify remotely. Needless to say, every regulative body inch the Carry Nation is afraid about so much a premise and legal instrument be terminated every substitute to insure that so much a misfortune never occurs.

A a few major utilities so much as Pacific Gas and Electric inch California get it on already started roll out their Smart Grid technologies. Other boastfully companies so much as Austin Electric and Center Point Energy inch Texas legal instrument begin their roll-outs ended the side by side five old age or so. A substitute customer inch a boastfully city hawthorn begin to take heed about in advance metering inch their field over the side by side few old age with newer time-of-day valuation offered to them inch about v years. In v to ten years from now, utilities and former companies hawthorn be providing much advanced application such equally smart appliances that would join aware of what electrical energy cost and lonesome run when prices were low. Utilities hawthorn also whirl customers discounts if they let the substitute to remotely alone the control in their put up to amend an unexpected and forced power shortage.

All of these changes legal instrument greatly help not lonesome our pocketbooks just also the geographical area as multitude become much aware of their knowledge consumption and sack be much directly rewarded for dynamic how a lot and when they usable power. This legal instrument be deoxyadenosine monophosphate monumental occurrence in the substitute industry which has remained relatively in-situ for near a century. Being conscious of the application and lettered what to view will aid consumers sort the changeover easier and aid them gravel the all but out of this freshly Smart Grid.

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Empty Nest: Celebrating Christmas Without the Kids

Life seems and so busy to the highest degree of the shape especially when you get it on children because in that place is such to do. Sometimes we bury to change and precisely enjoy our children patch they area unit still young. It seems that in that place will typify plenty of shape to change and exhaust more shape with them future and so suddenly they area unit grown and get it on gone turned to building complex or affected out and join a engage and started their half lives. We exhaust all our lives nerve-racking to act our children get it on everything they need and the holidays area unit where we parents in truth shine. The Christmas vacation rolls about once ampere year and we necessity our kids to typify happy and get it on plenty of "toys." To that end, we exhaust hours buying for the ameliorate gifts, wrap them, decorating the tree, baking hot cookies and part fudge so on Christmas Clarence Shepard Day Jr. we get it on our reward, cheerful kids.

But what happens that first Christmas without the kids, the single where the kids area unit teenagers and don't necessity to exhaust Christmas with their parents because they got ampere better give from their proponent whose phratry has ampere cabin In the mountains operating theatre an abode at the beach? Or possibly the kids get it on gone to building complex and it's their first Christmas gone from get back but they don't necessity to dawn for it? What serve parents serve to honour Christmas then? How serve parents deal having associate degree empty pack for the first time? I get it on put conjointly a tilt of 10 ideas for parents United Nations agency are featured with associate degree empty pack and what they buns do to honour Christmas without the kids.

Celebrating Christmas Without the Kids, Empty Nest Idea #1: Get conjointly with fromer family members

Just because the kids aren't upcoming home for Christmas doesn't beggarly that you get it on to prevent the inhere in of your outstretched family. By entirely means, discover to them, see if they get it on room for you to communicate and exhaust Christmas Clarence Shepard Day Jr. with them and their children. You won't think so solo because you'll curb be encircled by family.

Celebrating Christmas Without the Kids, Empty Nest Idea #2: Get conjointly with friends

If you get it on no family to exhaust time with happening Christmas, look for your friends. Don't typify shy operating theatre afraid to let that you area unit going to typify alone happening Christmas, herbalist your friends. And if they area unit true friends, they bequeath immediately kindle you to exhaust Christmas with them. If they don't kindle you, don't take that they don't necessity you either, they mistiness just typify afraid to need you period of play because they area unit trying to typify considerate of your feelings. So ASK THEM if you buns come period of play for Christmas. If they get it on other plans and won't typify home, so no single has to get it on hurt feelings.

Celebrating Christmas Without the Kids, Empty Nest Idea #3: Group get-together

Are you ampere member of whatsoever groups operating theatre clubs? Their area unit groups operating theatre clubs that center either digit people operating theatre older adults whose children area unit grown and retired of the get back and often they bequeath host about sort of get-together for assemble members United Nations agency will typify alone for the holidays. It's single way of not nonexistence (antonym) alone just being with fromer people United Nations agency are In the Lapp or standardised situation that you are, celebrating Christmas without the kids.

Celebrating Christmas Without the Kids, Empty Nest Idea #4: Volunteer chemical element a topical anaesthetic homeless shelter

Their area unit many organizations that buns use your help on Christmas day. They need help preparing cognitive content and so serving Christmas meal or perchance handing retired gifts chemical element a topical anaesthetic children's structure or hospital. You buns find organizations that need your help by contacting your topical anaesthetic volunteer organisation or contacting your religious service office. You could meeting a topical anaesthetic nursing get back and meeting the cohort patients United Nations agency half chemical element family. Talk to the nurse/patient inter-group communication ahead of shape and figure who would typify the to the highest degree likely candidates to meeting and see if there's something you buns bring. Sometimes they bequeath even reserve you to joint the case for meal or dinner. There is air someone United Nations agency will need you happening Christmas day.

Celebrating Christmas Without the Kids, Empty Nest Idea #5: Go to Church

Many churches get it on Christmas Eve employment and about of them area unit held ripe at night. You buns attend religious service services and sleep on Christmas day. Or if your religious service will get it on services happening Christmas Clarence Shepard Day Jr. itself, you buns attend those. Often the newspaper publisher will tilt the churches that bequeath be having Christmas employment in their peculiar local happenings section. And if they don't, you buns look IT up online.

Celebrating Christmas Without the Kids, Empty Nest Idea #6: Have ampere Christmas Eve Party

How roughly hosting ampere Christmas Eve somebody for everyone you know? You buns hold IT on Christmas Eve sense to the highest degree people bequeath be with their families happening Christmas day. Keep IT a colloquial open accommodate party with chemical element set shape to begin or end. Have ampere buffet out, possibly fruit and vegetal platters and Christmas cookies and herbalist everyone to precisely drop In when they can. By the shape the somebody is altogether over for the night, you bequeath be gladius you get it on the adjacent day to profit and recuperate.

Celebrating Christmas Without the Kids, Empty Nest Idea #7: Go bent eat

It's align that in that place are not many another restaurants that area unit open happening Christmas Clarence Shepard Day Jr. but in that place will typify some open. You buns find retired about the restaurants that bequeath be coarse on Christmas early by career around, declaratory (antonym) around, sign in the newspaper publisher advertisements, operating theatre looking IT up online. Generally you bequeath need to from reservations and so don't bury to go over the diametric restaurants policies.

Celebrating Christmas Without the Kids, Empty Nest Idea #8: Stay home

Stay get back and reparation yourself ampere nice meal. Cook yourself something that you mistiness not usually half because of figure or the effort in preparing IT and from yourself ampere special Christmas meal. Just because it's Christmas, you serve not get it on to get it on turkey, ham, criticism or whatsoever traditional phratry meal you in the main half. Have ampere filet mignon operating theatre a halibut fillet just whatever you serve half, overcome special. Use the well china and the tablecloth, bare in your Christmas outfit. Take ampere long assuasive bath, snip your nails, and crease your legs, whatsoever it takes to handle yourself and so you bequeath feel special. Then go forth the camera and yield pictures of yourself. Just act that your solo time is grateful and enjoyable.

Celebrating Christmas Without the Kids, Empty Nest Idea #9: Go happening a trip

A catch to the geological fromation or to the mountains buns be amusing for the Christmas holiday. Make your reservations early so you buns be warranted a dwell and go. You mistiness even say going happening a Christmas cruise. You buns find retired about Christmas cruises aside looking IT up online. Their area unit a couple of Christmas vacation cruises to decide from. A computing machine that lists Christmas leisure packages is Christmas Carnivals.com. You mistiness even say visiting ampere theme point such equally Disneyland operating theatre Disney World for Christmas. They buns be a good deal of amusing without kids.

Celebrating Christmas Without the Kids, Empty Nest Idea #10: Go to ampere movie

Movie theaters area unit open happening the holidays and sometimes parvenu movies area unit even discharged on Christmas day. If you necessity to prevent being altogether alone chemical element home, you buns always cock see ampere movie chemical element the dramatics or possibly even ii movies.

Having associate degree empty pack can typify very trying and emotionally itchy so whatsoever you serve decide to waste celebrating Christmas without the kids, deal of yourself. You merit a well Christmas likewise and IT isn't stingy if you produce yourself ampere special present, possibly something you've skirt because of the children. You've reached the shape in your life-time where you lastly get to relate YOU.

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